Obama’s No Reagan

Ronald Reagan wearing cowboy hat at Rancho del...

Ronald Reagan wearing cowboy hat at Rancho del Cielo. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1980 was a very dark time.  The Iranians held Americans, we had gas lines, and the economy was a train wreak.  By 1984 it was Morning in America!  Ronald Reagan wasn’t blaming Carter for failing to turn things around.  He wasn’t blaming the Democrats in Congress either for his failure.  He did what he could and succeeded.  Reagan never had the supermajority that Obama enjoyed.  He never had the media bending over backwards to make him look good either.  With the Presidency and the Senate (under GOP from 1981until 1987) he was able to turn the economy around and restore America’s economy, military, and position in the world.

Makes you wonder how exactly Obama can go from blaming Bush to blaming the GOP House for his failure when Reagan managed to transform America with less.  The numbers just don’t add up.  As for charges of Republican obstructionism, that’s not obstructionism, it is democracy, it is checks and balances.  To expect the GOP to go against their views and the views of those who elected them is pure foolishness.  To blame the House for Obama’s failures is only to point out the man is no Ronald Reagan.  The one thing he proved, the one thing we see in the failure of the Soviet Union and European Socialism (they were crashing in Britain in the late ’70’s under the weight of failed socialism), the same we see in Obama’s failure, is big government control and socialism do not work.  It didn’t even work under FDR, but I’ll give the man far more credit than Obama, at least he did get people to work.

So are we better off now than we were $5,000,000,000.00+ dollars ago?  Shall we borrow another $5,000,000,000.00+ for more of the same?  After all, it’s not Obama’s fault.


4 thoughts on “Obama’s No Reagan

  1. It’s true. Obama will never equal Reagan. In all actually I cannot call Obama President Obama. I will call him Mr Obama in reverance to the office of President.

  2. I cannot tell a lie. That cherry tree just fell down from the tsunami, or the Arab Spring. If not W stepped on it when he was here getting “hanged.” That might be O’s tale. O can’t even split firewood in comparison with Ronnie. And that’s hard…I have a few leg scars on myself doing that over the years.

  3. Pingback: On Anniversary Of His Death Watch Ronald Reagan Warn Us About Obama 40 yrs Ago « CITIZEN.BLOGGER.1984+ GUNNY.G BLOG.EMAIL

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